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yes but only for young kids because kids have stem cells which makes there teeth grow again

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Q: Can your teeth grow back more than 1 time?
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My cats breath is smelly all the time i realized that all her teeth have fallen out its been like this for ages what is wrong with her will her teeth grow back she is 6yo himalaylan Persian?

You must take your cat to a vet. Certain breeds are more susceptible to dental disease than others. If all of her teeth have fallen out at 6 years old that isn't normal. Your pet may be in a lot of pain! And her teeth will NOT grow back. Bacteria that cause dental disease can travel from the mouth to the heart and may cause cardiac problems! Please don't let your cat suffer any more.

Can teeth grow back after having them all removed?

In humans if your first set of teeth "baby teeth" are removed you will still grow your second set. But if your second set is removed they will not grow back. Some animals like sharks can regrow their teeth however. If they are "milk" teeth and you are about 5 years old, then yes. Otherwise no. Humans get only two sets of teeth. And the same for all mammals, though some have teeth that grow continually - especially rodents. Sharks grow new teeth all the time in a sort of conveyor belt system. Small teeth develop inside the mouth and then migrate outwards around the edge of the mouth, eventually falling out. People CAN grow new teeth; however, they usually are born with a genetic disorder called cleidocranial dysplasia/disorder/deformity, sometimes called ccd. The children's baby teeth do not fall out and have to be surgically removed. Their permanent teeth which sometimes include two complete sets and more will have to be chained and pulled down to their normal position usually taking a long period of time. The extra teeth also have to be surgically removed. Yearly x-rays are necessary for ones with ccd because many will have NEW teeth grow even after the above surgical procedures have been performed.

Does a pit bulls teeth grow bigger than a chihuahuas?

Yes they do

Who has more teeth a dog or cat?

A dog has more teeth than a cat.

Are there more teeth fossils than skin fossils?

yes there are more teeth fossils than skin fossils

What is a unique fact about great white sharks?

The Great White shark go through more than 1000 teeth in their lift time. Many other sharks also grow new teeth.

Are dogs teeth stronger than cats teeth?

Dogs Have Stronger Teeth Than Cats And Have More Teeth Than Cats. Cats Have Sharper Teeth. But Wild Dogs Such As The African Wild Dog Has More Teeth And Stronger Teeth Than Domestic Dogs. Also Sharper Than Both Domestic Dogs And Cats.

Once wisdom teeth are removed can they ever grow back?

GENERALLY, once wisdom teeth are gone they don't grow in again. If something is coming out from your gums after a wisdom tooth extraction, it might be a piece of root that was left out. It might also be a surnumerary wisdom tooth (extra wisdom tooth) that was already there before the extraction. However, they can grow back. It's documented, and happens to 1-3% of adults.Teeth don't grow back. Basically you get two sets, first the baby/milk teeth, then your permanent teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last of your permanent teeth to emerge.If you lose a milk tooth it will kinda-sorta be replaced with a permanent tooth (which you would have gotten eventually anyhow).When a permanent tooth is lost it's gone, your body won't make a new one.Back teeth are also known as molars. If you lose one of those before you have gotten your wisdom teeth, then it can look like it's the lost one that's grown back, but it isn't. It's the wisdom tooth (which you would have gotten eventually anyway) that has stepped up in its place.No. they dont grow back once they are removed. however, rarely we do find an extra molar, other than the wisdom teeth, which are called as the PARA Molars.Teeth don't grow back. Basically you get two sets, first the baby/milk teeth, then your permanent teeth. Wisdom teeth are the last of your permanent teeth to emerge. When a permanent tooth is lost it's gone, your body won't make a new one.

Will a full grown teeth grow back?

Depends on the species. Dogs (as well as humans) gets two set of teeth, and if one of the 2nd set gets damaged it won't be replaced. Other species, particularly some breeds of shark, are constantly renewing their teeth, with no known limit. Other animals can have something inbetween, more than the human 2, but not the endless supply of the shark.