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Q: Can your transmission freeze if it gets too cold?
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no not necessarily if fresh water gets too cold it can form an iceberg too.

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If the water gets too cold ( 0 degrees ) it will start to freeze. why are smurffs blue?.... becuse

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Yes, it is best to use distilled water and the anti-freeze has to be replaced before it gets too cold.!

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Earth gets the perfect amount of heat and cold. If it were closer to the sun we would burn and temperatures would too high to survive. If it were farther earth would be too cold and we would freeze to death

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the animals could get too cold and freeze

Why do birds not freeze and fall when its cold?

The same reason you don't freeze and fall when it's below freezing. Birds have a metabolism that keeps them warm in addition to their feathers, and flying helps keep it up. Different species can tolerate different amounts of cold, and the ones that don't tolerate it are not generally found in regions where it gets too cold for them.

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if its too hot we burn and if its too cold we freeze

How do you get rid of a brain freeze?

Brain freeze is where the palate of the mouth (the roof of the mouth) gets too cold and 'freezes' causing the nerves to send out pain signals. To cure it you simply place your tongue on the roof of your mouth to warm it up again.

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it effects them beacause its cold and they could freeze and die> their bodies are at average temp but if its too cold, their bodies could freeze

How cold does it get in the cordillera region?

it gets very cold its also warm too

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when it gets too cold

Do mosquitoes freeze?

At 50 degrees F is when it is too cold for mosquitoes to fly.