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An infected wisdom tooth can definitely become dangerous to your health. Any infection could potentially be life threatening if not taken care of.

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12y ago


More often than not,dentists find not removing wisdom teeth to be more life threatening than it is to remove them.

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11y ago

yes, because bacteria can get down into the impacted tooth and cause it to become infected. I would suggest going to the dentist to get it checked out.

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15y ago

No, but your gums can.

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Q: Can your wisdom teeth become infected after they have been removed?
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When does a wisdom tooth need to be surgically removed?

Wisdom tooth extraction requires an oral surgeon when the wisdom tooth is compacted, or when the area around the tooth is infected.

What cyst is caused by impacted wisdom teeth?

You should have them removes cysts can become infected and you will have a bigger problem then you have now.

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It is quite common to have wisdom teeth removed anywhere from 15 to 30.

Why is it important to take your wisdom teeth out?

Your wisdom teeth do not necessarily have to be pulled out. Usually, the situation is that the gums are not large enough to accommodate all of your teeth, including the wisdom ones, hence they have to be removed to prevent crowding, which can be very painful in some cases. There are a few people whose mouths are large enough to accommodate wisdom teeth, so they don't have to be pulled out.

Does your temperature increase when wisdom teeth are coming out?

Not unless you are infected.

Why do people get their wisdom teeth removed?

Wisdom teeth get pulled out to prevent pain and discomfort. If the wisdom teeth don't have enough room in the back of your mouth and they grow in they will push your existing teeth out of the way and cause them to be mashed together. They can also grow in sideways, this is known as being 'impacted'. Sores can grow on your gums and become infected, leading to major problems down the road.

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Jana and Jill had their wisdom teeth removed.

If wisdom teeth cause your teeth to get crooked Do your teeth get straight after you get your wisdom teeth extractions?

Not necessarily. Teeth tend to become more crowed as we age, especially the lower front teeth. This happens in some people regardless of whether they have wisdom teeth or not. Therefore, removing the wisdom teeth, solely for the purpose of hoping to get naturally straighter teeth, won't work.

When will I make bowel movement after widom teeth removed?

Having wisdom teeth removed has no bearing on when you defecate.

What happens if wisdom teeth are not removed?

That depends on how big a person's mouth is, and what other teeth they have, but typically, they become impacted because there is no room for them in the mouth, and they can push your teeth out of place (kind of the reverse of braces), and they can also get infected and cause a lot of pain.

When can a wisdom tooth be removed?

Wisdom teeth usually begin to surface during young adulthood, between ages 18 and 22. Oftentimes, dentists will tell patients with surfacing wisdom teeth that they need to be removed, since wisdom teeth can crowd existing teeth by forcing them to scrunch together.

Did jessa duggar get her wisdom teeth removed?
