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Q: Can zinnat be used for throat infections?
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What treatment is zinnat cefuroxime axetii for?

Antibiotic for the treatment of infections caused by microorganisms susceptible to Zinnat.

What remedy for throat infections include honey?

Honey used as a remedy for throat infections usually involves mixing it with other ingredients like cinnamon. It helps soothe a sore throat.

What is zinnat 500mg cefuroxime is used for?

Skin bacterial infections, which kills the germs till death and do not allow to multiply further. The course must be fully completed as per doctors advise.

Is zinnat 250mg safe during pregnancy?

Yes, I'm pregnant too (7 months) the doctor describe it for me when I had fever and throat infection

What is penicillin used for?

A CureSimply, it's an antibiotic.Penicillin is not used to prevent infections. It is used to treat bacterial infections and cause the infection to be cured. It is derived from a common mold.AnswerPenicillin treats bacterial infections, such as gonorrhea, which is a male oriented malady.Combating bacterial infections.most infections, ear infections, strep throat, tonsilitis, cut in your finger and suchIt should definitely not be wasted on a sore throat or a headache as it can't help these things in anyway.A different type of penicillin is used on animals

What venereal diseases can be caught in the throat?

venereal throat infections

How do you catch viral throat infections?

Viral throat infection is airborne.

What are the nose and throat infections?


What is a treatment to stop throat infections?

a treatment that helps throat infections is to gargle lemon with honey then swallow it must be warmed up

What does koact treat?

Koact 625 is used to treat certain types of bacterial infections. It is usually given for infections in the ear, nose, throat. It can also be used to treat the skin or bladder.

What is mandl's paint?

It is a pharmaceutical preparation mainly of Iodine and Glycerin used to treat severe throat infections.

What does suprax treat?

Suprax is an antibiotic that is used to treat infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia; bronchitis; gonorrhea; and ear, lung, throat, and urinary tract infections.