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Q: Can zonrox use like chlorine in drinking water?
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Why does tap water often smells like chlorine?

Your house is being attacked by the Nazis with their chlorine gas bombs. Stop drinking all tap water immediately and resort to government funded bottled water.

What does chlorine taste like?

Yes. A bad one too. If you swim at an outdoor or public pool, you will have smelled the chlorine that is added to clean the water. The taste is the same. Chlorine is used in the process or water purification and it can sometimes be tasted in your drinking water. Too much chlorine in your drinking water can cause erosive esophagitis. Its similar to heartburn but harder to get rid of.

How can you clean water?

fitration,evaporation adding of purifing chemical like chlorine,sedimentation make water safe for drinking but a pure water(totally free from impurity) is got by distillation.

Does sharks like chlorine?

No. They are a salt water animal and chlorine is used in fresh water like swimming pools.

How pure is your drinking water?

It is clean but not pure, our water contains things from other substances. When you are in different areas your drinking water can taste slightly different!

What is the difference between chlorine and moronic acid in pools?

Moronic Acid is an anti-retroviral agent used to treat HIV. Chlorine (especially free chlorine) is an effective disinfectant used to kill (especially) bacteria in water, like swimming pools and drinking water systems. I wonder if the questioner meant muriatic (hydrochloric) acid, which is sometimes used to lower the pH of pool water.

How can chlorine harm water life?

I like you

What animals can live in water with chlorine?

Only well adapted animals that live in the water like fishes but chlorine is not drinkable

What causes a chlorine taste in the mouth?

Tasting hydrochloric acid in your mouth could be a sign of Acid Reflux disease. It could also mean you have no food in you stomach and have been drinking a lot of plain water, Occasionally, this can be mistaken for a small, steady amount of blood, like from your gums or acidic food or liquid reacting with steel dental work, like a bridge or fillings.

How effective is chlorine in preventing diseases like cholera?

Chlorine added to drinking water and swimming pools has revolutionised the safety of drinking water throughout the world. The gas dissolves in water and fatallly damages the cell walls of water born bacteria such as eschera coli, (E coli) and cholera. If the water is left to stand the chlorine exits the water and the taste disappears. A source of safe water is the basis of modern civilization

What is reduced when shower filter heads eliminate chlorine?

Also, Chlorine dries out your skin and your hair. Your skin absorbs the chlorine during your shower just like you're drinking it. That's why it's very important to pick a filtered shower head that works and preserves water pressure! like SparkPod filtered shower head.

If a pool smells like chlorine is it imbalanced?

This question can only be answered by testing the water. There are alot more parameters to water being balanced than just chlorine. I would rather swim in a pool that smelled like chlorine than not. At least you know there is some chlorine in the water.. THE ABOVE IS WRONG!!! If you smell "chlorine" you do not have enough free chlorine in the water. Chlorine in and of itself is odorless. The only time it smells is when it combines with organic compounds like skin cells, tanning lotions, etc. What you are smelling is "combine chlorine" which is incapable of sanitizing the water. You must therefore "shock" the pool with a high dose of chlorine or other substance to get rid of the combined chlorine and leave sufficient amounts of "free" chlorine available to disinfect the water. If a pool smells...don't swim in it until they add more chlorine!