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Q: Candidates for political office in the US today must do what?
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Candidates for political office in the US today must?

C. promise to abide by term limits, and seek no more than two terms

Do senatorial candidates have to be us citizens?

Yes. ALL candidates for political office in the US must be citizens, either native born or naturalized.

What is the biggest drawback of the need for large amounts of money to campaign for political office?

Candidates must use much of their own money to finance their campaigns.

If you vote without registering would you get into trouble?

If you are referring to elections held to elect political candidates to office.... (in the US) you must be registered in order to vote. You must present your voter registration card at the poll and it is checked against a master list of voters. If you do not appear on the list... you do not get to vote.

1 Who makes and enforces the rules candidates must follow to be elected to office?

Congress and they have to have citizenship and other things to be elected.

Must the boss of a political party hold office?

They do not necessarily hold public office themselves. In fact, most historical bosses did not.

Could someone running for political office have assault charges against them?

nope. you MUST be perfect! (:

Who Provided that a station must make available an equal amount of time under same conditions to all political candidates?

equal opportunity rule

Was Irelands leader elected in office?

Ireland is a democracy so all political leaders must be elected.

If a tv station sells artime to one political candidate it must sell the same amount of time to other candidates this is known as?

equal time rule

The basic concept underlying the spoils system?

party workers must be rewarded with political office after a successful campaign.