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Q: Carbon atoms have four electrons in their outer shellthis means that a single carbon atom can form up to how many bonds with other atoms?
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How many electrons are found in carbon atom?

A single atom of Carbon has 6 electrons, with 4 in the outer shell which it will use to react

Why a single carbon atom can form 4 single covalent bonds?

because carbon has only four electrons in the valence shell

How many electrons in carbon-16?

Carbon is a non metal element. There are 12 electrons in a single atom.

What Carbon has four valence electrons How many hydrogen atoms can bond to a single carbon atom?

all carbon atoms have 4 valence electrons. 4 hydrogen atoms can bond to a single carbon. That would be methane.

How many electrons doe carbon have?

Carbon has 6 protons, and it will have 6 electrons in a neutral atom, one for each proton. See link below.

What is a single carbon-carbon bond?

What is a single carbon-carbon bond

Carbon has four valence electrons how many hydrogen atoms can bond to a single carbon Adam?

four 4 four

What has 6 protons 6 electrons Neutrons?

A single atom of Carbon-12

How many electrons does carbon have in its outermost shell?

Carbon has a valence of 4 which means it has four electrons on its outer shell that allow it to bond with up to four other atoms. The valence of carbon allows it to form large, diverse, complex molecules.

How many electrons does carbon share to complete its valence shell?

Carbon has 4 valence electrons. It needs four more to form the octet. So carbon will share four electrons

A saturated hydrocarbon is an organic compound which contains hydrogen and carbon joined?

The bond is covalent; the meaning of saturated is a single bond between carbon atoms (C-C).

A single carbon atom contains how many covalent bonds?

Carbon generally form four covalent bonds. Carbon has six electrons. Two of its electrons completely fill the first shell while the remaining four leave the second shell halfway full. Therefore, carbon binds covalently with other atoms. Four covalent bonds allows carbon to fill the second shell with eight electrons.