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. He took the post when Congress convened in 1945 after the Philippines was liberated from the Japanese.

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Q: Carlos P Garcia's contributions to the Philippine Economy?
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Who is the reach man of the world?

Prince carlos,orbulget

How much is the tuition in the University of San Carlos Cebu?

30,000-35,000 pesos depends on what year level you are .

Most successful businessman in the world?

If you measure success by money, Carlos Slim Helú, CEO of Telmex and América Móvil, is the richest businessman in the world.

Who is the richest person in the world at the moment?

The richest person in the world at the moment is called Carlos Slim Helu. He is worth $83 Billion and he made his wealth by investing in telecommunications.

What ruined Mexico's national economy?

This is a very complex question, and it could have many answers. It is however, believed that Mexico was on the good road to industrialization until the 1970's, when Mexican Presidents Luis Echeverria and Jose Lopez Portillo began to rely heavily on oil exports when the 1973 Oil Crisis hit the developed world, supporting the financial needs of the country while taking advantage of the high oil prices.When the market eventually stabilized, the little diversification of exports and large foreign debt resulted in an economic slump and a devaluation of the Mexican Peso by 500%. This is often called the Lost Decade or Decada Perdida(1973-1982). Three years later, the Mexico City Earthquake(1985) further deteriorated the economy, as Mexico City, which agglomerates 20-25% of the country's national income, was heavily hit by such natural disaster.Another explanation is that when President Carlos Salinas de Gortari was elected in 1988, he began a process of privatization of most government industries and businesses. This is known as the Rise of Neoliberalism in Mexico; this privatization process was however, bad to the economy as it transformed state-owned monopolies into privately-owned monopolies. One such example is Telefonos de Mexico, the only land telephone company in Mexico, which has a moderately bad service with one of the most expensive price rates in the world. These kind of monopolies prevent a healthy competition, curtailing investment and preventing a higher growth for the economy.

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Carlos C. Bautista has written: 'Exchange rate adjustment and the Philippine economy'

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he is carlos p. garcia

Contributions of carlos p Garcia?

the contributions of GARCIA is ahmm ahmmm ahmm idont know! sorry~ !

What is the middle initial of former Philippine President Carlos Garcia?

P. is his middle initial

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The cast of Philippine Navy - 1953 includes: Gil de Leon Tessie Quintana Carlos Salazar

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Carlos Angeles is a well-known Filipino poet and writer, acclaimed for his contributions to Philippine literature. He is recognized for his poignant and reflective works that delve into themes of love, nature, and spirituality. Angeles has received numerous awards for his poetry and is considered a significant figure in contemporary Filipino literature.

Is there a map of the University of San Carlos?

The map of this Philippine university can be found in the Related Link below.

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The presidents of the third Philippine republic were: * Manuel Roxas * Elpidio Quirino * Ramon Magsaysay * Carlos Garcia * Diosdado Macapagal The fourth Philippine republic only had Ferdinand Marcos as president.

Who conducted biochemical and nutritional studies of the Philippine indigenous food and forage legumes?

Antonio Carlos Laurena

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Carlos Santiso has written: 'The political economy of government auditing' -- subject(s): Accounting, Finance, Public, Law and legislation

What are the contributions of carlos p romulo?

Carlos P. Romulo was a Filipino diplomat, politician, and journalist known for his contributions to Philippine foreign policy and advocacy for human rights. He served as President of the United Nations General Assembly and was a key figure in the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Romulo also played a crucial role in establishing strong diplomatic relations between the Philippines and other countries during his tenure as a diplomat.

Which Philippine island has the most handsome men?

Beauty is subjective and not confined to a specific island. However, Cebu, Palawan, and Mindanao are known for having some attractive men, just like any other part of the Philippines.