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They were separate ( Passion Sunday on the 5th week of Lent and Palm Sunday the following week) until 1970 when Pope Paul VI changed it to the one Sunday of Holy Week.

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Q: Catholic Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday are celebrated together when were the celebrated separately?
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Roman Catholic AnswerDo a lot of praying, going to Church, and practicing their Lenten disciplines, particularly fasting. Passion (Palm) Sunday starts Holy Week, which commemorates Jesus' entrance into Jersualem, the Passion is read at Mass. Sometime during Holy Week, traditionally on Holy Thursday morning, all the priests of the diocese get together with the Bishop and celebrate the Chrism Mass when the Bishop blesses the Oils that will be used throughout the diocese and throughout the coming year. On Holy (Maundy) Thursday evening, the Mass of the Lord's Supper is celebrated, which commemorates the Lord establishing the Eucharist and the Priesthood.On Good Friday no Mass is celebrated, but the Passion is read, the Cross is venerated, Intercessions are offered for everyone, and Holy Communion is given.On Holy Saturday night, the Easter Vigil begins, after dark, when Our Blessed Lord's resurrection is celebrated, new catechumens are brought into the Church, the new first is lighted, it is a wonderful Mass.

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Roman Catholic AnswerAll Sundays are important but Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, is the Sunday before Easter on which the Passion is read in its entirety.

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What is the liturgical color for commemorations of Jesus' passion?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe entire Passion narrative is read twice during the Church year, it is read on Passion Sunday (Palm Sunday) to begin Holy Week, and again on Good Friday. The color of the vestments is red.