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A deletion causing a frame shift mutation.

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Q: Causes a shift in the reading codons by one base?
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Mutation that occurs when a single base is added or deleted from DNA causes a shift in the reading of codons by one base?

Frameshift Mutation

How are point mutations different from flame shift mutations?

Point mutations are when a single nucleotide is replaced by a different one, but this doesn't affect the length of the DNA sequence, which usually will not affect the way the protein that is produced. A phase shift (what I think you meant) mutation is caused by an addition or deletion of a base that changes the length of the sequence. This causes problems because codons to make proteins are in sets of 3 and deleting a nucleotide makes the reading frame different and will add incorrect amino acids to the proteins from the mutation on, resulting in an ineffective protein.

Are codons found in eukaryotes?

Eukaryotes are cells in which DNA is contained in a nucleus. Codons describe sections of 3 base pairs in DNA which code for an amino acid. So, anything with DNA has codons, therefore eukaryotes have codons.

How does Frameshift affect an organism?

frameshift is a type of genetic mutation.we all have nitrogenous bases present as triplet codons which codes for the 20 amino acids.3 specific bases codes for a specific amino acid.when any other base enters into this specific codon then there is a shift in the reading frame and the new codon formed doesn't transcribe to produce the same amino acid.this is also known as frame shift.

Do point mutations affect just one nucleotide?

Yes it may and the Odds are for it; however "The Wobble Base condition" - or situation - states that if the point mutation occurs in the third base of the-triplet-codon, IT may NOT make a difference Due To an Inherent Occasional In-Difference in Regard to the 'context {frame} reading' of the third [Wobble] Base of the triplet codon. A, C, G & T provide 64 combinations of THREES. Along with the [triplet] Start Codon and several Stop Codons and the codons for the 20 regular Amino Acids, along with several alternates, the remainder of 'the unassigned' codons fall into the Category where the third base is the one with a 'wobbly, uncertain' meaning. Regarding the Evolution of the Genetic Code, note that the Wobble-Function occurs in the third base of the triplet codon, and not the first or the second.

What are Genetic instructions are written in 3-base 'words' called?


A codon is a triplet base sequence?


How many base amino acids are there?

There are 64 codons (3-base code) that represent 20 amino acids and 3 stop signals. Click on the related link to see a table of DNA codons and the amino acids for which they code.

What is the three base sequence in mRNA?

called CODON.

What marks the beginning and the ending of a gene on a DNA molecule?

start and stop sequences Also called Star and Stop codons. These are base triplets in the DNA base sequence. Examples of Stop Codons ar TAG or TGA.

What is a genetic wheel?

Because of four different bases, there are 64 possible three-base codons (4x4x4=64). the genetic wheel shows all 64 possible codons of the genetic code.

There can be more than one what for the same amino acid?

The three base pairs called codons.