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The reaction is:
Cd + 2 HBr = CdBr2 + H2

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Q: Cd solid reacts with 2HBr aq to produce?
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A CD drive has moving parts and therefore cannot be considered solid state.

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A compact disk (CD) is an optical storage device.

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No, BSL does not currently produce CD-Rs. Please try Memorex or Sony.

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I know that solid state records has a lot of them called "This is Solid State vol. __"

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If you want to make cd labels at home, it is possible to produce a high quality label. It will take a good quality printer to make this happen.

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No; solid state storage is Rewritable and doe not have any moving parts (the CD must spin to work).

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Well, that is by the light near the CD. If that's not it, i think its made by water and other materials to produce the music of the CD