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Q: Cell division of body cells is called?
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What type of cell division does your body cells undergo And why can your body cells ONLY use this type of cell division?

Body cells undergo mitotic cell division so that each daughter cell is genetically identical to each parent cell and to all other body cells.

In eukaryotes the process of cell division is called mitosis?

Somatic, or body cells

What is cell division called in Somatic Cells called?

Somatic cells are the cells that form the body like skin, blood and bones. These type of cells go through the cell division process called mitosis. Gametes, or germline cells, like sperm and ova go a different cell division process called meiosis.

What is a cell division got to do with cells?

Cell division forms multiple cells, which of course forms your body. So cell division is the making of new cells. Hope it helps a lot! :)

How do all cells in the human body duplicate?

through a process called mitosis

What type of cell division occurs in all cells of an organism 's body except in the reproductive cells?

mitosis.. it helps in somatic cell divisions..

What is the cell division of body cells where an identical cell is formed?


What process of cell division produces an exact replica of the cell?

Mitosis produces two identical daughter cells. You can remember that the form of cell division that produces two identical cells has a plus sign in it...the "t." Then you can remember that you get one cell plus another just like it.

What cells undergo unchecked rapid division in the body?

Cancer cells undergo unchecked rapid division in the body.

Which cell does not show cell-division?

Which part human body nonstop cells

Where are cells produced?

New cells are formed from the pre existing cells by cell division

What type of cell division make body cells?
