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through a process called mitosis

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Q: How do all cells in the human body duplicate?
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Can science duplicate human chemicals?

yes, sciene may duplicate many chemicals present in human body but not all.

Why is the human body can not function with out human cells?

Without cells a human body can't function.

What cells in the body are diploid?

All the cells in the human body are diploid with the exception of germ cells in the testes and ovaries.

Are most of the cells in the human body called haploid or diploid?

All cells in the human body that are not gametes (sperm or egg cells) are diploid. Gametes are haploid.

What kinds of non-human cells make up the human body?

all the cells in the human body are human except bacteria and cells in food consumed for example ameobas and any type of parasite

What do the cells do to your body?

it control and regulate all part of the human body

What cells is the human body made of?

When a human fetus is in its mother's womb, all of the cells that start to develop in it are stem cells. stem cells can form into any other type cell found in the human body. as the fetus continues to develop, the stem cells will change into whatever cells the baby needs(i.e., they will change into all the cells found in the human body)

How are nerve cells similar to other cells in the body?

first of all they are cells second, it is in the human body third they have organnelles

In which cells of the human body is the genetic information for making salivary amylase found?

In all cells of the human body. Only in the gland cells is this information ' turned on ' though.

How many cells are in a human body all together?

Impossible to answer. Cells in your body keep on growing and dying.

When are human cells diploid?

All human somatic (body) cells are diploid. Only the gametes, sperm and egg cells, are haploid.

Why are cheek cells animal cells?

All the cells collected from an animal of which the human body is are animal.