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Q: Cells build their proteins from different kinds of amino acids?
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What happens if your cells have plenty of amino acids?

If your cells do not have enough amino acids, the amino acids from the proteins you eat are shipped to your cells so that your cells can make the proteins they need. If your cells have plenty of amino acids, the amino acids from the proteins you eat are converted into carbohydrates or fats.

Cells build their proteins from how many different kinds of amino acids?


Proteins in cells are assembled by structures called?

Ribosomes assemble amino acids into proteins.

Cells use amino acids to do what?

Well the amino acid converts into protein from the ribosome and the ribosome gets instructons from the nucleus to produce protein.

What are proteins cells made of?

Proteins are made of amino acids.

What makes proteins in cells?

Proteins are made of amino acids.

What makes up proteins in cells?

Proteins are made of amino acids.

What is role of amino acids in protein synthesis?

Proteins are chains of amino acids. The ribosomes in cells produce proteins by chaining amino acids according to the information in the m-RNA.

What must occur for amino acids in a protein bar to convet into protein your body cells?

There are no amino acids in protein bars. Amino acids are made up of strands of proteins. What happens is when food is digested, proteins are absorbed by special cells. These cells construct the proteins into an amino acid. They then are transfered to other cells, and disolve into them for energy.

Instructions for assembling amino acids into proteins?

Proteins are made from amino acids, there are different types of proteins in our body ane the order of the amino acids determines the type of amino acid cus it sure helped me :)

What cell makes up proteins?

Proteins are made of amino acids, not cells.

Proteins are made from small units called?

Proteins are made up of smaller units called amino acids which are strung together to form proteins which can be of different sizes and shapes.