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Q: Cells that combine to carry out a particular task form?
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What structure in the body is composed of two or more different tissue types joined together to perform a specific function?

cells !! :)Cells combine to form tissues, which combine to form organs, which combine to form systems, which combine to form the body.

What is a mass of cells that form a particular animal part?

A mass of cells that form a particular animal part

Tissues combine to form what?

tissues combine to form an organ. few organs combine to form an organ system.few organ systems combine to form an organism.....

What works together to form tissue?

cells combine to form a tissue.

What is the medical term for what cells do to form tissues?

The medical term for what cells do to form tissues is "differentiation." This is the process by which less specialized cells become more specialized and acquire specific functions to form the various types of tissues in the body.

What is the difference between an organism and rocks?

The atoms in the rocks are non-living and the atoms in the organisms are living and the atoms in the rocks do not combine to form living cells and the atoms in the organism combine to form living cells

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you add it

Diagram to show the relationship between cells and complete organism?

Cells make up molecules.Similar molecules combine to give a tissue.Different tissues combine to form an organ.Different organ join to form an organ system.Organ system make an organism.

Expain the relationships among cells tissues and organs?

Cells are structural and functional unit of an organism. Two or more cells combine to form a tissue. Many tissues join to form a organ.

What are organs a combination of?

organ system.

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