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3d ago

Meristematic cells are responsible for cell division and growth in plants. These cells are found in regions such as the tips of roots and shoots, where they continuously divide to produce new cells for plant growth and development.

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Q: Cells that multiply and produce growth at various parts of a plant are what?
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Plants produce new cells in areas called what?

Plants produce new cells in areas called meristems. These regions contain undifferentiated cells that have the ability to divide and differentiate into various types of specialized cells to support plant growth.

What is the function of ground meristem?

To divide by mitosis and produce new cells which will then differentiate into various new specialised tissues.

Why does your body use mitosis?

To produce more cells for growth.

Why do only adult stem cells produce progenitor cells since embryonic stem cells differentiate too?

Only adult stem cells produce progenitor cells because they multiply though the process of cell division and therefore produce progenitor cells.

What region produces cells in a plant?

The region in a plant where cell division and growth occur is called the meristem. Meristematic cells are continuously dividing to produce new cells that differentiate into various plant tissues.

Why don't you keep growing and growing?

Because, your stem cells get messages from the brain that puberty is over and their jobs is not needed, to multiply the cells for growth.

Why don't you just keep growing and growing?

Because, your stem cells get messages from the brain that puberty is over and their jobs is not needed, to multiply the cells for growth.

What are stem cells described as?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to develop into various types of specialized cells in the body. They play a crucial role in growth, repair, and healing processes. Stem cells can self-renew and multiply, making them valuable for medical research and potential therapeutic applications.

What causes the growth of tumors?

Tumors are cells that do not bide by the rules that other cells do. They grow and multiply with little regard to the boundaries around other cells. Other cells usually stop when they met other cells.

Why do all cells divide?

Cells are limited by size. They cannot grow beyond a certain extent. This is why the cells multiply to form the various organs of the body.

What provides energy for cells to grow and divide?

Cells obtain energy for growth and division primarily through the process of cellular respiration, which involves breaking down glucose molecules to produce ATP. ATP is the main energy currency of the cell and is used in various cellular processes, including growth and division.

Why do most of the growth in your body occurs because your cells?

Most growth in the body occurs because individual cells divide and multiply to increase in number. This process, known as cell proliferation, is essential for tissue growth, organ development, and overall body growth. As cells divide, they also differentiate into specific cell types to perform specialized functions within the body.