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Q: Cells with two sets of genetic information are described by the term?
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What parts of a moss have diploid cells?

2 sets of chromosomes in their vegetative cells and are said to be diploid, both have the same or similar genetic information.

Results in new cells that have complete sets of genetic material?

sexual reproduction and mitosis =}

Which type of cell has two full sets of genetic information?

A diploid cell contains two sets of chromosomes.

Why do you have two sets of information in your cells?

because if that cell dies then it has a back up

How does mitosis ensure that a new plant cell is identical to its parents?

Mitosis ensure that a new cell is identical to its parents by their copy of the parent's genome in mitosis. Identical genetic information will result in identical cells.

How are sex cells are somatic cells different?

Hi, To start with, sex cells and somatic cells have totally different functions. Sex cells are used entirely for the use of reproduction and somatic cells are what makes up your body and helps you function. Sex cells have 23 chromosomes, and only one set of genetic information that incorporates traits of both you mum and dad. Somatic cells on the other hand have 46 chromosomes and have two sets of genetic information (one from your dad and one from your mum). When these cells divide, they also go through different systems. Sex cells go through meiosis, which is separated into eight steps and results into 4 different cells. Somatic cells go through mitosis which ends up in two daughter cells. Hope this helped.

How many sets of the genetic code are found in the cell just before it divides into two new cells during mitosis?

none of the above♥katherinebby' novanet answer

Why are diploid cells in sexual reproduction important?

Sexual reproduction results in the formation of a new individual by two gametes uniting. Typically the gametes are a sperm and an egg. The sperm has the genetic information of the male, and the egg has the genetic information of the female. When the sperm joins with the egg, they are called a zygote and their genetic information combine via mitosis. At the end of mitosis, cytokinesis takes place, which is two daughter cells being formed that each have 46 chromosomes. Each new cell undergoes mitosis repeatedly until a new individual is formed. Sexual reproduction absolutely cannot take place without cell division.

What is a Cell that has two copies of each chromosone called?

A cell with two copies of each chromosome is called a diploid cell. A cell with one copy is called a haploid cell.

What chloroplast and mitochondria contain their own genetic information in form of?

Both chloroplasts and mitochondria have their own sets of chromosomes composed of DNA.

Which cells contain two sets of chromosomes?

A diploid cell is sometimes described as having two identical sets of chromosomes.This is because for each copy of a chromosome, such as chromosome 7, there is one other copy of the same chromosome.However, such a pair, known as homologous chromosomes, are not truly identical, as they do not have identical base sequences. At any given locus (point on the chromosome) there will be the same type of information, such as a gene, transcription factor, or repeating sequence. But the exact form (allele) will in many cases be different on the two homologous chromosomes.

What types of organisms are polyploidy?

Polyploidy occurs in cells and organisms when there are more than two homologous sets of chromosomes. "occurrence of polyploidy suggests an evolutionary advantage of having multiple sets of genetic material for adaptive evolution"