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Q: Certitying officers and departmental accountable officials who are designated as local foreign nationals in foreign countries?
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Certifying officers and departmental accountable officials who are designated as local foreign nationals in foreign countries?

Might not be required to reimburse the government for any losses of funds.

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An administrative region is a designated type of region in some countries, especially territorial entities in Brazil.

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Public holidays and school terms are designated on a state and territory basis, with the exception of national public holidays. Every countries have different policies about school holidays.

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Depends on the country and or jurisdiction you're in. In some countries, certain drugs aren't illegal when they are designated for personal use. In other countries, personal use is completely decriminalised and only moderate or large quantities can be prosecuted.

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The military is a countries designated personnel who are responsible for the countries protection. It is made up of citizens, but is a formal government entity. A militia is also made up of citizens of a country, but is often self regulated, smaller and sometimes paramilitary in nature.

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It is simply a day designated by a (the?) Christian church of someone they have decided is a saint. It is relevant to some Christians. Public Holidays are designated by individual countries and are not universal.

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Brothers Day is not a widely recognized or officially designated holiday. However, some countries or individuals may choose to celebrate it on different dates throughout the year.

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In 1937 were there any Jewish ghettos in Germany?

No. The Nazis did not establish ghettos in Germany itself, only in occupied countries. In some of the big cities in Germany Jews were compelled to live in designated 'Jewish apartment blocks' from 1939 on.

Are both boys and girls able to attend school in London?

Yes, of course, as is the case in all Western countries and many non-western ones too. However, there are some schools that are designated for girls only or for boys only.