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It has 78 neutrons.

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2w ago

Cesium-133 has an atomic number of 55, which means it has 55 protons in its nucleus. Since the atomic number represents the number of protons, the number of neutrons in an atom of cesium-133 can be calculated by subtracting the atomic number from the Atomic Mass.

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Q: Cesium-133 has an atomic number of 55 It has neutrons?
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Cesium has an atomic number of 55. Fifty-five indicates the number of protons and electrons. The task here is to find the number of neutrons. To do so, take 134 and subtract 55 to get 79.

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The atomic number of cesium is 55. The number of neutrons is the isotope mass number minus atomic number, or in this instance 86 neutrons.

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The atom has 25 protons in its nucleus based on the atomic number. The atomic mass of 55 is the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Therefore, the atom has 30 neutrons (55 - 25 = 30).

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Caesium is in the first raw. Atomic number of it is 55. So it has 55 protons.

An atom with 55 protons and 76 neutrons?

This atom would be a specific isotope of cesium, with an atomic number of 55. Its mass number, which is the sum of protons and neutrons (55 + 76), would be 131.

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