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Q: Change each word from singular to plural?
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What is the singular form of curriculum?

The singular form of curriculum is "curriculum." The word does not change form between singular and plural.

Is word team singular or plural?

The word team is singular; the plural form is teams.

Is the word these singular or plural?

These is plural, this is singular

What does singular plural mean?

if a word refers to a single item it is singular. if it refers to lots of things it is plural."Potato" is singular "potatoes" is a plural word."mouse" is singular, "mice" is a plural word."person" is singular, "people" is a plural word.

How will I change the word brother to a singular noun?

The noun 'brother' is a singular noun.The plural form is 'brothers'.

Is the word she plural or singular?

The word 'she' is in singular form. The plural for 'she' would be 'they'.

What is the singular form of the word 'series'?

The noun 'series' is the plural form of an uncountable (mass) noun. singular: A series of playoffs took place before the tournament. plural: He has published three series of adventure novels, each with a different hero.

Is the word have plural or singular?

"Have" may be singular or plural: I have; we have.

Is the word metastasis singular or plural?

The word metastasis is singular, metastases is plural.

Is the word list singular and plural?

No, the word "list" is singular. The plural form of "list" is "lists."

Is the word caveman plural or singular?

Caveman is singular. Cavemen is plural.

Is the word has singular or plural?

Verbs cannot be singular or plural. Has is after singular nouns.