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Animals, people living below one dollar per day, bad roads, unemployment, low per capital income, underdevelopment, poor infrastructure, insdequate water supply

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Q: Characteristics of rural areas in nigeria?
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What are the causes of rural urban migration in nigeria?

The causes of rural-urban migration in Nigeria are associated to unemployment. People mostly come to urban areas hoping to get employment.

What is the definition of rural globalization?

Rural globalization refers to the interconnectedness and integration of rural areas into global economic, social, and cultural systems. It involves the spread of technologies, markets, and ideas to rural regions, impacting local economies, societies, and environments.

What are the characteristics of rural areas?

Rural areas are generally known to have very few buildings or less expensive looking buildings. There is sparse population density and a lack of industries.

Did the rural electification provide electricity to the rural areas?

Rural electrification is, by definition, the bringing of electricity to rural areas. Of course, not all rural areas are brought onto the grid at the same time, because such programs are staggered to avoid overloading the grid and causing blackouts. Other areas are just hard to electrify because of their physical characteristics, and require substantial work to install the equipment necessary to electrify them.

What are the characteristics of rural?

Rural areas are generally known to have very few buildings or less expensive looking buildings. There is sparse population density and a lack of industries.

What are the main features or characteristics of Rural Economy in India?

The main features or characteristics of rural economy in India include low per capita income, poor distribution of income and resources and so much more. These features are as a result of the poverty levels in the rural areas.

What are characteristics of rural area?

Rural areas are generally known to have very few buildings or less expensive looking buildings. There is sparse population density and a lack of industries.

What are the differences between Roman law and penal code in Nigeria?

In Nigeria they prefer to immigrate from rural to urban area. But in Rome they immigrate from urban to rural. *

What does rural and urban areas contain?

Rural areas typically have smaller population densities, more agriculture or natural landscapes, and limited infrastructure compared to urban areas. Urban areas, on the other hand, have higher population densities, more developed infrastructure, and a concentration of businesses, industries, and cultural amenities.

Where in North America are rural areas?

Rural areas are places that are not in or near cities.

What is rural rural migration?

is the migration in which people are moving from rural areas to urban areas,which can be temporary or permanent migration

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