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Charlotte laid eggs and made an egg sac to ensure that her legacy and friendship with Wilbur would continue after she died. The egg sac contained her offspring, which would eventually hatch and continue the cycle of life on the farm.

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Q: Charlottes web Why did charlotte did a egg sac?
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What is Charlotte's magnum opus in Charlotte's Web?

"Plaything? I should say not. It is my egg sac, my magnum opus."

How did Wilbur get Charlotte's egg sac to the farm in Charlotte's web?

Wilbur carried Charlotte's egg sac in his mouth to the farm after Charlotte died. He was determined to protect her eggs and ensure that her legacy lived on.

What are the names of Charlottes children in Charlottes Web?

Wilber and Charlotte Wilber and Charlotte

How did the rotten egg save charlottes life?

In the book "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White, the rotten egg contained the sac of unborn spiders that Wilbur the pig had unwittingly saved from being killed. Charlotte the spider used this event as an opportunity to convince Wilbur of the value of life, helping to ensure Wilbur's safety in return.

When was Charlotte's Web published?

Charlottes web was puplished in 1952

Spiders name in Charlottes Web?


In the book Charlottes Web what is the spiders name?



Charlotte's babies are not given individual names in E.B. White's novel "Charlotte's Web." They are collectively referred to as Charlotte's offspring or simply referred to as the babies.

What is the name of the cows in Charlottes Web?

Bitsy and Betsy were the cows in Charlotte's web.

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What is the resolution of Charlottes Web?

Charlotte saves the pig before she dies

What kind of animal was Charlotte in Charlottes Web?

Charlotte was a spider in the story "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White. She befriends a pig named Wilbur and helps him avoid being sent to the slaughterhouse by writing words in her web to attract attention.