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Small Intestine.

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Q: Chemical digestion of fat takes place where?
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Does chemical digestion take place in the liver?

Chemical digestion does not take place in the liver, rather, the liver secretes digestive liquids into the small intestine. The actual digestion takes place in the small intestine.

What happens in chemical digestion?

In chemical Digestion, starch and fat are digested by the enzymes in saliva

Where does fat digestion begins?

Fat digestion begins in the start of the small intestine, where emulsification by bile breaks it up physically and lipase acts on it to speed its conversion to fatty acids and glycerol.

What happens in digestion?

In chemical Digestion, starch and fat are digested by the enzymes in saliva

What do you call a break down of fat?

Chemical digestion

What is the chemical responsible for half of protein digestion and all of fat digestion?

pancreatic juice

Compare mechanical digestion to chemical digestion?

mechanical digestion - chewing, mixing, churning chemical digestion - breakdown of fat, carbohydrate and proteins by specific enzymes (lipases, amylases, and proteinases respectively)

Where does the most of the digestion occur?

Chemical digestion occurs int he stomach where acids break down the food turning it into chyme, and also happens in the mouth where saliva mixed with enzymes break food into bolus. It also occurs in the liver, when it produces bile to break down fat, and the liver also breaks down medicine, and small intestine, the small intestine is where the main chemical digestion occurs, the small intestine absorbs all the nutrients into the blood streams.

Which organ does mechanical and chemical digestion begin?

mechanical digestion is when you are breaking down food almost by hand. you're breaking it down manually. an example of mechanical digestion is chewing. it begins in your mouth and ends once you swallow.

Where in the alimentary canal does fat digestion take place?

small intestine

Is gall bladder mechanical digestion or chemical digestion?

While the gallbladder may appear to be functioning in chemical digestion because it produces a chemical, in reality this chemical functions as part of mechanical digestion. Bile produced by the gallbladder emulsifies fats. This means that it breaks the fat particles into smaller particles without changing their chemical nature.

What do enzymes do with the digestion of food?

Chemical breakdown is one of the two types of digestion of food. It is the breakdown of complex molecules to simpler monomers. Chemical digestion takes place in the mouth, stomach, and small intestine of the human body. Enzymes play a major role in chemical breakdown. In the mouth, the enzyme amylase speeds up the breakdown of starch into sugar. In the stomach, gastric protease speeds up the breakdown of proteins to polypeptides and amino acids. Finally, in the small intestine, bile emulsifies fat and pancreatic fluids deliver enzymes such as amylase, protease, and lipase to break down starch, proteins, and lipids into glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids/glycerol respectively. Enzymes are key to the digestion of food.