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Temperature change. The fourth class of reactions is much more difficult to detect than the previous three. This fourth class is really the basis of the other three. Every chemical reaction involves energy in some form, because all chemical reactions involve the breaking of old bonds, the forming of new bonds, or both. We know that every chemical bond contains energy, or it would not exist. This result means that every chemical reaction involves an energy change because the bonds are changed. Energy tied up in the bonds of atoms, molecules, ions, and the rest of the chemical system is called enthalpy. The absolute amount of this energy cannot be measured, but the change in enthalpy from the reactants to products can be measured. If the energy is lost (given off), the reaction is exothermic; if energy is gained, the reaction is endothermic

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11y ago

-temperature change-color

-gives off light


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14y ago

Heat, colour change, effervecence

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