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Q: Do chemical reactions always involve changes in energy?
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Why do chemical reactions always involve a chemical change?

Chemical bonds always break in chemical reactions, causing changes in energy.

Why do chemical reactions always involve a change in energy?

Chemical bonds always break in chemical reactions, causing changes in energy.

Why do reactions always involve a change in energy?

Chemical bonds always break in chemical reactions, causing changes in energy.

Chemical reactions always involve changes in a chemical?

There will always be changes in one of the reactants. In some chemical reactions, one of the chemicals works as a catalyst to encourage a reaction between two or more chemicals but does not change during the reaction.

Do Chemical reactions involve the interplay of the electrons of the reacting chemical?


Why do we say that chemical reactions always involve changes in energy?

Because they do. In fact, you can't get ANYTHING done without some energy changes involved.

A chemical property is a change in what?

There are many different possible property changes in a chemical change. You must post the specific reaction for anyone to tell you exactly.

Is energy involved in all changes?

yes all changes involve exchange in energy

What changes are always involved in chemical reactions?

electrons are always involved in chemical reactions. how they are positioned which atom they are located if they are sharing paired unpaired etc.

Are melting butter and melting ice cream are both physical change or chemical change?

They're both physical changes. Phase changes are always physical changes. Chemical changes only involve chemical reactions - a change in the identity of the substance. That's why phase changes are physical changes. Ice cream remains ice cream when it melts.

What type of chemical reaction classes always involve oxidation?

The combination of two elements (a metal and a nonmetal) is always a redox reaction.

What two kinds of energy changes can take place during a chemical reaction?

Two types of energy changes that can occur in a chemical reaction are (1) endothermic and (2) exothermic. Endothermic is where energy is added to the system and exothermic is where energy is given off by the system.