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Q: Chemical reactions in the body take place in the nutrient known as?
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Chemical reactions in the body take place in what nutrient?

Chemical reactions in the body take place in water.

Chemical reactions take place in the body in what nutrient?

Chemical reactions in the body take place in water.

What nutrient provides the medium for chemical reactions to take place?

Many chemical reactions occur in water solutions. But a reaction can be realized also in solid or gaseous phase.

What nutrient does chemical reaction take place?

Vitamin nd minerals are the nutrient needed for chemical reaction because they are needed by the body in very small amounts to allow many different types of chemical reaction to take place.These chemical reactions are needed to maintain healthy functioning of the body

Do chemical reactions take place in the membrane?

Chemical reactions can take place on both sides of the cell membrane, with different molecules interacting and reacting with each other. The membrane itself is primarily a barrier that separates the inside of the cell from the outside environment, but some specialized proteins embedded in the membrane can facilitate specific chemical reactions.

All of the chemical reactions taking place inside an organism?

Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions occurring within an organism. These reactions involve processes like breaking down food to obtain energy (catabolism) and building complex molecules for growth and repair (anabolism). Metabolism is crucial for maintaining homeostasis and providing energy for cellular functions.

Where do all of the bodys chemical reactions take place?

Most of the body's chemical reactions take place within cells, specifically within organelles such as the mitochondria, where cellular respiration occurs, and the cytoplasm, where various metabolic processes take place. Enzymes play a crucial role in catalyzing these chemical reactions and maintaining the body's overall homeostasis.

What energy helps chemical reactions to form?

Heat helps chemical reactions to take place. Light can also cause some chemical reactions to take place.

All the chemical reactions taking place inside an organism?

All the chemical reactions taking place inside an organism are collectively known as metabolism. These reactions involve breaking down molecules to release energy (catabolism) and building new molecules to support cellular functions and growth (anabolism). Enzymes play a crucial role in regulating and facilitating these reactions.

Where in a cell do most chemical reactions take place?

Most chemical reactions take place in the cytoplasm.

What do chemical reactions take place in?


Where do chemical reactions take place?
