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Chemical reactions can be temperature-dependent. Generally, increasing temperature can increase the rate of a reaction by providing more energy for molecules to react. However, there are exceptions and some reactions can occur at room temperature or even at lower temperatures.

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Q: Chemical reactions will occur independently of the reactant's temperature?
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Do chemical reactions occur independently of the reactant's temperature?

Almost all chemical reactions are dependant of the temperature that it takes place.

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For most reactions, the lowering of the temperature of the reactants.

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Some different factors that affect the rates of chemical reactions include whether or not a catalyst is present, the concentration of the reactants, temperature of the reactants, & pressure in the case of gas phase reactions.

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Chemical reactions occur because reactants are trying to become energetically more stable

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The substances that are changed in a chemical reaction are known as reactants. These reactants undergo a chemical change or transformation to form new substances called products through the rearrangement of their atoms.

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it is the reactants which give the product

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Increasing the temperature of the reaction will most likely increase the rate of a chemical reaction. This is because higher temperatures provide more energy to the reactant molecules, allowing them to overcome the activation energy barrier and react more easily.

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The reaction rate is dependet on temperature, pressure and reactants concentration.

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Chemical equations describe the products and reactants in a chemical reaction.