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children do this during the epiphany (Three Kings Day) which is the evening of January 5 (morning of the 6th). This is the time when the three wise men brought gold, frankincense, and Myrrh to the baby Jesus. Though Puerto Rican Children also look forward to Santa Claus to bring them gifts every Christmas, children also look forward to Three Kings Day for even more gifts given to them by the Three Wise Men!

Just like children in the US (and Puerto Rico) leave milk and cookies for Santa on Christmas, Children in Puerto Rico leave grass and water for the camels carrying the wise men on their trip around the world.

And just like bad boys and girls would get nothing but a lump of coal from Santa Claus, bad boys and girls would be left a steaming pile of camel dung on the epiphany.

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Q: Children in Puerto Rico leave grass and water under their bed for?
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Why do children leave grass and water under their beds?

There is this Puerto Rican thing where you put grass in a box under your bed. A king comes on a camel and gives you gifts. It's like in america if you put your tooth under the pillow the tooth fairy leaves you money.

Why do children in Puerto Rico leave grass and water under their bed?

They do it on Three Kings Eve to feed the Camels that belong to the three Wise Men.

Is there any information on Puerto Rico?

Christmas is very interesting in Puerto Rico. Christmas in Puerto Rico starts early on, for some people it starts right after Thanksgiving, which is the Advent or the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day. Christmas is Navidad in Puerto Rico. Caroling is popular in Puerto Rico a common religion is on January 5 in the evening, children leave water, grass and grain under their beds for the camels of the Wise Men and the next day find presents in their place.

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Can you swim under Puerto Rico?

Hell no

What is Halloween called in Puerto Rico?

Usually, children would fall asleep the day before and leave grass on a little box with a bowl of water for the Three Kings camels to eat and drink them. When they received their presents under the bed the other day, children would play all day with their new toys. Adults and family mostly celebrate together, eating and drinking beer while they listen to merengue, bachata, salsa or reggaeton.