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Often none - the wrong enantiomer would just be voided or metabolised. But if a manufacturing route can be found to produce only one, it would tend to be a lot cheaper. Problems would arise if the wrong enantiomer is biologically active and interferes with the reaction/action of the correct one - such as binding to the same particular site.

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Q: Chiral drugs consist of only one enantiomer the benefits of using a pure enantiomer rather than a mixture include?
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Why is it better to take a drug as the active enatiomer instead of the racemic mixture?

Taking a drug as the active enantiomer instead of the racemic mixture can be advantageous because the active enantiomer is usually responsible for the desired therapeutic effects, while the inactive enantiomer can contribute to unwanted side effects or have no therapeutic value. By using the active enantiomer, the drug's efficacy can be maximized, potentially reducing side effects and improving patient outcomes. Additionally, testing and developing a single enantiomer may be more cost-effective and efficient compared to handling and studying a racemic mixture.

How do you identify isomers?

plane polarised light is being used. A solution of one enantiomer rotates the plane of polarisation in a clockwise direction. This enantiomer is known as the (+) form. A solution of the other enantiomer rotates the plane of polarisation in an anti-clockwise direction. This enantiomer is known as the (-) form. If the solutions are equally concentrated the amount of rotation caused by the two isomers is exactly the same - but in opposite directions. When optically active substances are made in the lab, they often occur as a 50/50 mixture of the two enantiomers. This is known as a racemic mixture or racemate. It has no effect on plane polarised light.

What is an asymmetric synthesis?

An asymmetric synthesis is the synthesis of a specific enantiomer of a compound, a mixture containing more of one enantioner than another.

Does a mixture consist of a single element?

No. A mixture consists of two or more components, which could be elements, compounds, or other substances.

What did the residue consist of in the sand and salt mixture?

If you think to filtration sand is a residue.

What describes chicken soup element mixture compound solution?

It is a mixture of compounds. It is consist of a large number of compounds. And it does not have a chemical composition.

What are stereo isomers?

plane polarised light is being used. A solution of one enantiomer rotates the plane of polarisation in a clockwise direction. This enantiomer is known as the (+) form. A solution of the other enantiomer rotates the plane of polarisation in an anti-clockwise direction. This enantiomer is known as the (-) form. If the solutions are equally concentrated the amount of rotation caused by the two isomers is exactly the same - but in opposite directions. When optically active substances are made in the lab, they often occur as a 50/50 mixture of the two enantiomers. This is known as a racemic mixture or racemate. It has no effect on plane polarised light.

What is an antonym for consist?

Does not contain... "The mixture consisted of..." or "The mixture did not contain..." I honestly don't think 'consisted' is a word with an actual antonym, but hope this helped.

What mixture usually involve a mixture of a solid in a solid is a homogeneous mixture or a heterogeneous mixture?

A mixture of a solid in a solid is usually a heterogeneous mixture, as the components can be visibly differentiated and are not evenly distributed throughout the mixture.

Is there a generic for nexium 20 mg?

Technically, there is no generic drug for Nexium (generic name is esomeprazole). However, esomeprazole is the isolated isomer (S-enantiomer) of omeprazole which you may know more as the over-the-counter drug Prilosec.Omeprazole and esomeprazole are both proton pump inhibitors, used to treat duodenal and gastric ulcers and gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD).When the patent was running out for omeprazole, AstraZeneca, the manufacturing company of omeprazole, developed the isolated form as a way to counter the loss of profit it would incur after the expiration of its patent. This practice is common among drug companies foreseeing the expiration of its major drugs.AstraZeneca marketed Nexium ("the purple pill") as a more potent and overall more effective drug than omeprazole. In actuality, although the S-enantiomer is more active than the R-enantiomer, the difference does not account for much. In general, the difference between a single active enantiomer and a mixture can be a difference in time of onset of action (sometimes 5 minutes) or it can be the strength of the dose (double the strength of the mixture). Compared to the relatively low cost of omeprazole, the more expensive cost of Nexium is not worth the differences between the two drugs. It may still be disputable however. Some people believe the active enantiomer does in fact provide better effectiveness than the racemic mixture.

Does Mixture may consist of elements and compounds?

Yes, a mixture may consist of elements and compounds. A mixture is formed when two or more substances are physically combined without forming a new substance, so it can contain elements and compounds in various proportions.

What does a generator consist off?

A mixture of minerals and other materials