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LDL stands for "Low-Density Lipoprotein," but those words don't really mean anything to people besides doctors. All you need to know is that LDL Cholesterol is BAD CHOLESTEROL.

It's HDL Cholesteral that is GOOD CHOLESTEROL. Remember: H for Healthy, L for LOWER IT. The higher your LDL Cholesterol is, the worse off you are health-wise.

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Q: Cholesterol that is known as LDL is known as what?
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What are the definitions of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol?

LDL cholesterol is also known as "bad cholesterol," and it is found in red meats, such as pork and beef. HDL is known as "good cholesterol," and is found in foods such as fruits and vegetables.

What is the difference between Idl and hdl?

LDL and HDL both refer to cholesterol. The difference is that LDL is known and the "bad" cholesterol and "HDL" is known as the good" cholesterol. One may learn more about cholesterol at WebMD.

Is ldl cholesterol in chicken?

Ldl is cholesterol, and can be found in chicken skin.

Which lipoprotein is known to contribute to cardiovascular disease?

LDL- Bad Cholesterol

What is different between hdl and ldl cholesterol?

HDL= Good Cholesterol, LDL = Bad Cholesterol

Do you need LDL cholesterol to survive?

Cholesterol is made naturally in your body. Your body will always have LDL cholesterol.

The cholesterol thet is known as ldl stands for l?

low density lipoprotein

What are the differences between HDL and LDL cholesterol?

The low-density lipoproteins transport cholesterol from the liver to specific cells and the high-density lipoproteins remove excess cholesterol from the body cells and return it to the liver where it can be excreted in bile.

What lipoprotein contains the highest percentage of cholesterol and is known as the bad cholesterol?

LDL is about half cholesterol. (HDL is protein rich.)

What is ldl?

LDL is the bad cholesterol. LDL stands for low density lipoprotein cholesterol. LDL is produced in the liver and carries antioxidants and amino acids to other cells.

Is Beef liver cholesterol hdl or ldl?

Cholesterol is cholesterol. HDL and LDL are lipoproteinswhichtransport the hydrophobic substance "cholesterol" in the blood stream.Beef liver contains cholesterol.

Is the cholesterol in chicken gizzards LDL cholesterol?
