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Q: Choose correct HTML element to define empazed text?
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What does values mean in HTML?

The values specify the properties of the attribute which provide additional information about HTML element. For example: the element Font will have an attribute to define the color of the font, and the value will be the color. This information is used in the start tag. <font face="arial">This is arial font</font> ="arial" is the value. (Element Attribute= "value"> General values could include size= "2" ( "2" is the value to define the size of the font in pixels) or color = "000000" (="000000" is the value to define the color of the font)

What is node in c language?

No such predefined type, so you can define it as you wish.

All tags and its attributes with example in HTML?

A start tag will contain the content followed by the end tag The values specify the properties of the attribute which provide additional information about HTML element. For example: the element Font will have an attribute to define the color of the font, and the value will be the color. This information is used in the start tag. This is arial font ="arial" is the value. (Element Attribute= "value"> General values could include size= "2" ( "2" is the value to define the size of the font in pixels) or color = "000000" (="000000" is the value to define the color of the font)

What is the breakdown voltages of 100KVA transformer bushing and arcing horns?

The question isn't correct, you have to define the voltage level not the power rating.

What is a correct way to retrieve the lastname input field from a form submitted with a post method?

The correct way is to define an input type. The format for it would be <form action="" type="post"><input type="text"/></form>

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Each element is different so for a certain element to be define/determined it has different atoms to make it up so no other element has the same atoms

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the smallest particle of an element that has chemical property of the element

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An element key shows you the name of the element, its atomic number, its symbol, and its average atomic mass.

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No elements are found within other elements, which is how we define an element; As a substance consisting of one type of atom.

Why do all atoms of an element have the same atomic number?

The atomic number of an element is the number of protons in its nucleus. The number of protons define what the element is.

How do you define an element?

Metal,Non-metals,Metalloids,Transition Metals

What characteristics of a ratio define it as a rate?

When the second element of the ratio is 1.

When two elements combine to form a new substance is the new substance an element Why and why not?

No. Define element - a single type of atom.

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define the correct