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Q: Choose the term that best matches this definition. There was great public interest in the paintings of this art movement as the American frontier expanded westward.?
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There was great public interest in the paintings of this art movement as the American frontier expanded westward?

Hudson River School

What is the exact definition of the word frontier?

The definition for "frontier" is as follows: frontier is receding to either (1) a line or border separating two countries or (2) a district near such a line.

What is the definition of frontier?

Frontier: The part of a country that borders another country; border; boundary

How did American painting style change from the early period to the mid-1800s?

in the early period portraits where the most popular but then in the 1800's landscapes and paintings of the frontier became more popular

When was The Significance of the Frontier in American History created?

The Significance of the Frontier in American History was created in 1893.

What are the 5 American frontiers?

the 5 western frontiers are the indian frontier the farming frontier the cattle frontier the mining frontier and the buffalo frontier

When was the end of the American Frontier?

The Census of 1890. With the end of this American Frontier, it discovered so many American frontier collections like clothing & accessories, knives & swords, decor and other weapons.

Why did Turner believe that the American frontier was different from the European frontier?

Turner believed that the American frontier was different from the European frontier because the area was free and open. People could easily settle there. This was unlike the European frontier that was protected by the military.

What is an African American soldier on the Texas frontier called?

An African American soldier on the frontier is called a Buffalo Soldier.

What is the geographical definition for frontier?

The border between the two countries

What is a sentence with the word frontier?

Have you ever crossed the frontier? The American frontier was a beautifully natural but also a very dangerous place.

What is the definition of frontier science?

Frontier science is defined as preliminary scientific data, hypotheses, and models that have not been widely tested and accepted.