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Q: Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square was given by which country?
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Where does the Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square come from?

Each year since 1947, a Christmas tree has been given to the people of London from the people of Norway in gratitude for Britain's support for Norway during World War II. For many Londoners the Christmas tree and carol singing in Trafalgar Square signal the countdown to Christmas.

Londons trafalgar square Christmas tree is traditionally given by which country?

Christmas ceremony There has been a Christmas ceremony every year since 1947. A Norway Spruce (or sometimes a Fir) is given by Norway's capital Oslo and presented as London's Christmas Tree, as a token of gratitude for Britain's support during World War II

Who donates the Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree?

The Trafalgar Square Christmas Tree has been donated by the Norwegian Government since 1947 in recognition of the help given to Norway during World War II.

Where is the tree that stands in Trafalgar Square from?

Each year since 1947, a Christmas tree has been given to the people of London from the people of Norway in gratitude for Britain's support for Norway during World War II. For many Londoners the Christmas tree and carol singing in Trafalgar Square signal the countdown to Christmas.Norway

When did Norway first provide christams tree in trafalgar square?

The first Christmas tree from Norway was given in 1947. This is done in gratitude for Britain's support to Norway during World War II.

When was the first Christmas tree put up in Trafalgar Square?

1852 1947 was the first year the current tradition started and a Christmas tree has been given to the people of London from the people of Norway in gratitude for Britain's support for Norway during World War II.

Trafalgars Christmas tree is traditionally given by which country?


Which country gives the UK a Christmas tree that is put up in Trafalgar Square every year?

The country is Norway, and the reason is a 'thank you' form the people of Norway to the people of Great Brittan for the help and support given to the people of Norway during the second world war. There is a great affinity and friendship between British people and Norwegian people, apart from which, the Norwegian woods have some awesome Christmas tree specimens.

What country invented Christmas trees?

The Christmas tree first came about after the Reformation and Germany is given as the first use of the Christmas tree, but before then churches and houses were decorated with any thing green.

HoW manY instruments are used for Christmas carols in Egypt?

Christmas isn't very big in Egypt, given that Christians only make up a small fraction of the country's population.

Can a Christmas card be given to a former doctor?

Yes, a Christmas card can be given to anyone. Everyone loves Christmas cards.

What does Norway give Great Britain every year at Christmas time?

The tree is given as a gesture of friendship between the countries and gratitude for the help that the British gave to Norway during the Second World War.It's simply a good-will present from their Royal family - to ours.