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Chromatin changes to thick rods called chromosomes during anaphase. During anaphase the centromeres divide and are pulled apart by the spindle fibers. They then move to opposite ends of the poles.

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Chromosomes coil up into short rods during prophase. During prophase chromosomes become visible, the nucleus disappears, the mitotic spindle forms, and the nuclear envelope disappears.

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Changes to chromosomes during prophase.

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Q: Chromatin threads change to dense rods during the process of?
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During cell division chromatin threads from the?

During cell division chromatin threads from the chromosome.

When do chromatin threads appear as chromosomes?

Chromatin threads appear as chromosomes during cell division when the chromatin condenses and coils to form distinct, visible structures that can be easily identified under a microscope. This usually occurs during the metaphase stage of mitosis or meiosis.

Why not easy to observe individual chromosomes during the interphase?

coz in interphase, the chromatin threads are not yet condensed into what is called as chromosomes. they are thread like structures, and make a network called chromatin network. chromatin threads only begin to condense into thicker structures called chromosomes once the process of cell division actually begins

In interphase the DNA in the form of loose threads called?

During interphase, the DNA of a cell uncoils from its highly condensed chromatid form to become chromatin, long, thread-like structures.

What are the network of nuclear threads composed of DNA and protein that condense to form chromosomes during mitosis is called?


Why does chromatin condense to form chromosomes?

Cells condense their chromatin into chromosomes only when cell division is occurring

This nuclear structure may be visible during interphase?

actually its nucleolus The nuclear chromatin, first appearing as long threads that shorten and thicken before splitting lengthwise to become two new nuclei. NOOOOOOOOOO. That's mitosis. In interphase, you can't see the chromatin/chromosomes/etc. You can only see the nuclear envelope and nucleolus, which both disappear during mitosis.

What do you mean by overhead in process and why do threads dont have overhead?

Process has it's own address space while threads are using process's address space when process is switching from one to another it will save process data during that time no productive work will done by cpu, while threads are using process's data so it can directly switch from one thread to other that's why processes have overhead when they are switching from one to other while threads doesn't have overhead.

During cell reproduction the chromosomes condense from the that is normally found in the nucleus?

Chromatin Chromatin

During interphase the DNA in the nucleus of the cell is thin and threadlike and called?

During interphase, the thin and threadlike form of DNA in the nucleus is called chromatin. Chromatin consists of DNA wrapped around proteins called histones, which helps to organize and compact the genetic material within the cell.

When does chromatin replicate?

Chromatin replicates during the S phase of the cell cycle, specifically during DNA replication. This process ensures that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic information during cell division.

What is chromatin visible?

during interphase