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Q: Church of the nazarene and jesus of nazareth?
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Why did jesus go to narareth?

If you ask as a child then the answer is, Joseph was from Nazareth, and the prophesy was to be fulfilled. He was a Nazarene.

Why was Jesus called the Nazarene?

The simplest explanation is that Jesus was called a Nazarene because he came from Nazareth.Matthew's Gospel explains (Matthew 2:23) that after the flight to Egypt, the young family did not return to their former home in Bethlehem but instead turned aside and travelled to Galilee, where they settled in Nazareth, thereby fulfilling a prophecy that Jesus be called a Nazarene:"And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene."Scholars have long noted that there is no prophecy anywhere in the Old Testament that could associate Jesus with being called a Nazarene. With further research on the history of the gospels, we now know that Matthew was largely based on Mark's Gospel. Mark, in the original Greek, does not refer to 'Jesus of Nazareth' (as he is described in the later gospels) , but frequently refers to him as a 'Nazarene' (Ναζαρηνοῦ - although most English translations change this to 'of Nazareth' in line with the other gospels). So, when the author of Matthew wrote of prophets having called Jesus a Nazarene, his source was Mark's Gospel.

Who is a Nazarene?

A person from the town of Nazareth in Galilee, which was the town were Jesus lived as a child. It was also the name used for the early followers of Jesus, before they became known as Christians. In Acts 24:5 Jesus is referred to as "...a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes." People who attend or are members of the Church of the Nazarene are refered to as Nazarenes.

When the Bible calls Jesus a Nazarene is it referring to his home town or a sect he belonged to?

The simplest explanation is that Jesus was called a Nazarene because he grew up in Nazareth.Matthew's Gospel explains (Matthew 2:23) that after the flight to Egypt, the young family did not return to their former home in Bethlehem but instead turned aside and travelled to Galilee, where they settled in Nazareth, thereby fulfilling a prophecy that Jesus be called a Nazarene: "And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene."Scholars have long noted that there is no prophecy anywhere in the Old Testament that could associate Jesus with being called a Nazarene. With further research on the history of the gospels, we now know that Matthew was largely based on Mark's Gospel. Mark, in the original Greek, does not refer to 'Jesus of Nazareth' (as he is described in the later gospels) , but frequently refers to him as a 'Nazarene' (Ναζαρηνοῦ) - although most English translations change this to 'of Nazareth' in line with the other gospels.Mark does not describe Nazareth as the home town of Jesus, but Mark 1:9 does mention Jesus as starting his baptismal journey from Nazareth of Galilee, although this reference to Nazareth of Galilee reads awkwardly and could arguably be an insertion. On the other hand, Acts 24:5 refers to Paul as a leader of a sect called 'Nazarenes', so presumably there was a Jewish sect of that name. Reading this gospel in the absence of the later gospels and Christian tradition that says Jesus grew up in Nazareth, it is open to us to believe that the term Nazarene was a reference to a cult of which Jesus was a member.When the author of Matthew wrote of prophets having called Jesus a Nazarene, his source was Mark's Gospel and his intention was to explain why Joseph and Mary had to take Jesus to Nazareth ("that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene"). Matthew links this description of Jesus as a Nazarene with the town of Nazareth and thereafter uses the term 'Jesus of Nazareth'. In this gospel, 'Nazarene' means that Jesus had lived in Nazareth.

What is the difference between a Nazarite and Nazarene?

Nazarene is a word that means from Nazareth like Jesus. It also may mean that you are a member of the Church of the Nazarene. Nazarite means to have a part of your life that is set aside as a sign of dedication. Samson had his hair. Some baptists have no strong drink. Some have a dedication to altruism.

What are the differences between Lutheran and nazerene churchs?

The Lutheran Church was established by Lutheran's followers, whereas the Nazarene church was established IN Nazareth

Is the nazarene church a religion?

There is a religion that is the Nazerene religion. But the Church has nothing to do with it. It is just different people who believe the same way going to worship in one place. But in no way is a church a religion.

What is the meanings of nazarene?

The word Nazarene means literally a person from Nazareth.

Why is nazareth so special?

Jesus is thought to have been brought up as a child in Nazareth. However, Nazareth does not play a role in the mission of Jesus. He found that he could not do wonders there because of the unbelief of those with whom he grew up, only heal a few sick.Mark is the first New Testament gospel to be written, and in the original Greek it always calls Jesus 'the Nazarene', never 'Jesus of Nazareth'. We know that Matthew's Gospel was substantially based on Mark, which is is why Matthew 2:23 says that Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Nazareth "that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene." Apart from Mark's Gospel, there is no other prophetic reference to Jesus as a Nazarene.

How did Jesus become a Nazarene?

The earliest New Testament gospel to be written was Mark's Gospel, which (in the original Greek language) only refers to Jesus as a Nazarene and never mentions Nazareth as his home town. These references are typically translated into English as 'Jesus of Nazareth', but this does not reflect the original manuscripts. We do not know why Mark refers to Jesus in this way, but it may be that Jesus was associated with the sect known as the Nazarenes.Matthew's Gospel was apparently written in the 80s of the first century, and was substantially based on Mark's Gospel. Its author chose to identify Jesus with Nazareth, so that Matthew 2:23 says, "And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene." There is no known Old Testament reference to which the author could have been referring and his 'prophets' is more likely to be a reference to Mark's Gospel. In any case, this is an explanation why the young family settled in Nazareth, not why Jesus was called a Nazarene.

Was Jesus a Galilean or a Nazarene?

Both, as the terms are not exclusive. Nazareth is a city in the Galilee. However, he is typically identified as Nazarene since the city is more particular This would be similar to asking "Is Rudy Giuliani and New Yorker or an American?" He is both because New York is a city in America, but would be considered a New Yorker because the city is more particular.

What is Jesus' hometown?

Jesus was born in Bethlehem, about six miles from Jerusalem, in Israel. After his birth, he lived there for up to a year. He lived for a short time (a few months to a couple years) somewhere in Egypt after that, then went to Nazareth in Galilee (northern Israel) where he spent most of his childhood. He lived there until he began his ministry, around the age of 30.