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Q: Cilia and flagella move due to energy provided by the enzymatic breakdown of ATP by what?
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Cilia and flagella move due to energy provided by the enzymatic breakdown of ATP by?

basal bodiesbasal bodiesbasal bodiesbasal bodies actin

What provided the energy used to make ATP from ADP?

the breakdown of food molecules

Energy needed for chemical reactions in the body is provided by the breakdown of?

Energy needed for chemical reactions in the body is provided by the breakdown of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the main energy currency in cells. ATP is produced through cellular respiration, a process that involves the breakdown of glucose and other molecules.

What are two chemical reactions that are necessary to give cell energy?

This energy is derived from the chemical bond energy in food molecules, which thereby serve as fuel for cells. The first step is the enzymatic breakdown of food molecules in digestion, and the second step that converts glucose molecules is called glycolysis.

Why are many mitochodria found in a cell that moves by means of cilia or flagella?

Cells that move by means of cilia or flagella require a high amount of energy to power the movement. Mitochondria are often concentrated near these structures because they produce ATP, the cell's energy currency, through cellular respiration. Having many mitochondria in these cells ensures a sufficient energy supply to support their movement.

What is the energy source of the movement of flagella and cilia?

Flagella and cilia movement is powered by adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the primary energy source for cellular processes and provides the energy needed for the dynein motor proteins to generate the bending motion of flagella and cilia.

What kind of energy is released by the breakdown of food?

chemical energy

What happens to most of energy from breakdown of food?

We concentrate on glucose breakdown, since it dominates energy production in most animal cells.

What structures if present allow bacteria to move?

A bacteria moves using a structure called the flagellum, which resembles a tail.

Process of releasing energy through the breakdown of glucose?

The ATP molecule is the one that releases energy by the breakdown of glucose molecules. This provides energy to most of the cell functions.

Where does wind up toys get energy from?

Wind-up toys store energy in a spring when you wind them up. As the spring unwinds, it releases the stored energy and powers the movement of the toy. This stored energy is converted into kinetic energy to make the toy move.

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