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Q: Claude debussy's characteristics of his musical style in prelude to the afternoon of a faun?
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Prelude to the afternoon of a faun?

What about it?

When did Claude Debussy play Prelude to a Faun's Afternoon?

The Prelude to The Afternoon of A Faun is a work for full orchestra. One person could not play it.

What is the genre of Prelude to the AFternoon of a Faun?

Symphonic poem

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What type of piece is a prelude?

A prelude is a musical work that is often the beginning of a suite, which is a collection of dances.

What is the style of Prelude to the Afternoon of faun?

Debussy's Prelude a l'Apres-Midi d'un Faun is an orchestra piece in the impressionist style.

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A short musical form written especially for the piano is called a?

A. Prelude

What is the meaning of Prelude?

The definition of "prelude" means an introduction to (verb), or an introduction (noun). Honda named the car "Prelude" as first of a series of cars with musical undertones (Quintet, Concerto, and Ballade). Only the Prelude was sold in more markets and had a long production run.

Who wrote the the poem that inspired the prelude the afternoon of a faun?

French poet Stéphane Mallarmé wrote the poem "L'Après-midi d'un faune," which served as inspiration for the music composition "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun" by Claude Debussy. The poem recounts the sensual daydreams of a faun in a woodland setting.

What is the introduction played by the orchestra called?

The music piece that introduces a musical is called the overture or prelude.