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Q: Clinical Significance of Haemin Crystals
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koi to do iska answer

What are haemin crystals?

hemoglobin imparts red colour to blood. it has a conjugated protein part which makes the globin. the non protein part - haem is haematin. the haematin is made of porphyrin which is made by chelation with iron.

For what important discovery was German chemist Hans Fischer awarded the Nobel prize for chemistery in 1930?

"for his researches into the constitution of haemin and chlorophyll and especially for his synthesis of haemin"

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Clinical significance of cortical thickening of the femur

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look for a paper being published in "The Oncologist" later this year (2008)

Why did Hans Fischer win The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1930?

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1930 was awarded to Hans Fischer for his researches into the constitution of haemin and chlorophyll and especially for his synthesis of haemin.

What is the clinical significance of Alcian Blue staining?

It stains basophiles, cartilage, mucopolysaccharides and glycosaminoglycans

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It was for when we was cavemen it was used to help the stomach digest the grass we ate :)

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Clinical importance of creatinine is the indicator of a good kidney function. High creatine means that the kidney is not filtering well or not in good function.

What is clinical significant of urea?

The clinical significance of Urea is that it helps a doctor tell what is wrong with a patient. In order to do so, because of the nitrogen found within Urea, it can change the color of one's own urination.