

Clinical stages of peritonitis

Updated: 6/12/2024
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12y ago

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There are 3 stages in peritonitis. In stage 1- it lasts between 2-12 hrs and the patient is in acute pain, gaeneralised pain all over abdomen, tachycardic, BP may be high, pyrexial. In stage 2 - The body tries to fight the infection/inflammatory process by trying to localise the inflammation (omentum form a protective layer) and the patient may seem relatively well in the next 12-24 hrs. In stage 3 the body fails and patient is more unwell - pyrexial, tachycardic, hypotensive and in shock.

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15h ago

Peritonitis typically progresses through four stages: acute localized infection, acute diffuse peritonitis, progressive peritonitis with organ dysfunction, and septic shock. The severity of peritonitis increases with each stage, leading to systemic symptoms such as fever, severe abdominal pain, sepsis, and organ failure, requiring emergency medical intervention. Early recognition and treatment are crucial to prevent complications and improve outcomes.

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Increasing rigidity and tenderness indicates an increased likelihood of perforation and peritonitis.

What is the peritoneum and peritonitis and what would the clinical picture be?

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