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Q: Closed head injury with severe concussion and skull indentations?
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What are two types of head injuries?

Concussion - Mild brain injury, results in a temporary loss of consciousness Contusion - Occurs when bruising of the brain happens, a more severe type of injury

When you get a bruise from a car accident you cant go to sleep?

This statement is not true. A bruise is a contusion, which is a fancy word for an injury that causes capillaries to leak blood which causes a bruise. You might be thinking of the word concussion, which is a severe head injury, but without a broken skull. After a head injury or concussion, you should stay awake or have someone check on you every hour and wake you up. The reason is a concussion can cause someone to become unconscious or even die from the brain injury.

Can difficulty reading be attributed to a serious concussion?

Yes, you can have difficulty reading after a severe concussion

What are the signs on conussion?

You do not have to pass out, see stars or faint to have had a concussion! New research indicates almost any blow to the head or a rapid jerk such as in shaking or whiplash cause concussion or a milder form of brain injury. So one would not need have any symptoms, and yet this damage may show up in strange ways... such as problems planning, sequencing, decision making etc. all which vastly change the quality of one's life. However, vomiting, fainting, passing out, seeing stars, severe headache all point to a severe concussion with all the subsequent injury to the brain.

What does the world concussion mean?

I believe you mean "what does the word concussion mean?" Cuncussion is when you have had a knock to the head, it doesnt have to be very hard, is the most common type of traumatic brain injury. Frequently defined as a head injury with a temporary loss of brain function , concussion can cause a variety of physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms. Treatment of concussion involves monitoring and rest. Symptoms usually go away entirely within three weeks, though they may persist, or complications may occur. Repeated concussions can cause cumulative brain damage such as dementia pugilistica or severe complications such as second-impact syndrome.

How can concussion kill you?

If it is not treated, recognized, and/or severe, then yes, it is possible. It can kill you because, basically, it's a form of brain damage. If your concussion is very severe, and hits the right place, then it is possible that your vital functions will be compromised. Also, it is possible that if you are unconscious directly following a concussion, then you can slip into a coma. Hope this helped!

Which is more serious a concussion or a cerebral contusion-?

Contusion is more serious type of head injury than the cerebral concussion. In case of concussion, you do not have any visible injury in CAT scan. The loss of consciousness in momentary. In case of contusion the damage can be seen in CAT scan. The loss of consciousness is usually sustained. The small blood vessels are ruptured usually. You may get the oedema of the brain tissue.

How severe is the injury when an injured patient needs CPR?

The injury that requires CPR is the most severe as death can be imminent.

What is a severe physical injury?

Something like a broken leg or arm bone would be considered a severe injury.

What injury did bobby lashley sustain?

Severe shoulder injury

What happens if you hit your head then you vomit?

Symptoms of a severe concussion, go see a doctor immediately.

What is a injury?

a severe injury is when limbs are broken, your head is cracked, and you can not breath