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Timothy is a grass hay

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Q: Clover is an example of Legume hay used for horses. Is Timothy a grass hay or legume hays?
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What is timothy hay?

A perennial grass that is native to Europe and excellent fodder for horses and rabbits. It is often combined with clover or alfalfa.

Can horses eat clover?

Red clover is typically grown for horses, but many other types can be used as well. However it should be noted that Clover is considered a legume and it is very rich in protein and other nutrients, so it should not be fed in large quantities.

How many different kinds of grass are there?

There are many different kinds of forage crops that have the appropriate nutritional benefits to make hay for animals. Some include clover, alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, sanfoin, laspadenza, cicer milkvetch, and grasses include timothy, orchard grass, bromegrass, wheatgrass, ryegrass, fescue, and bluegrass. The different hay types include grass hay, legume hay, and grass-legume mix hay. The highest nutritional-type hay is legume, but the risks of legume-only hay is bloat, so grass-legume mix hay is the most popular type of hay that many livestock producers use. Grass hay is much better for horses because of the lower energy content as opposed to the legume hay.

Can horses eat crimson clover?

Yes, horses can indeed safely eat crimson clover. This type of clover is not toxic to a horse and is commonly found in pastures where they graze.

Are legume Hays more nutritious than grass?

in horses.

Can horses eat winter clover?

Horses CAN eat winter clover but there is a type of fungi in it that will make them drool. It is harmless and will go away in a few days.

Why is white clover bad for horses?

Clover is okay for some horses and too rich for others. The problem with red and white pasture clover is that mold can easily grow on them. The mold is what is harmful to horses.

Can a pack of horses get grass sickness?

A herd of horses can get colic if turned out on a grass/ pasture mix if they are not gradually accustomed to the dietary change. There are some grasses and clover that can be toxic to horses (alsike clover is one).

What are the names of the cart horses in animal farm?

They are Boxer and Clover :)

Is timothy grass and timothy hay the same?

It is. Horses usually love timothy hay and it's a great general hay, mixing well with other types like alfalfa #2 or a good red or green oat. Not available in some areas but if you have it in yours, your lucky.

Why does a horse slobber?

horses sometimes slobber because they've eaten clover

Is alfalfa good for horses?

Good quality hay can provide most of the nutrients a horse needs. Hay can be grass hay (ex. Timothy) or Legume, more commonly called Alfalfa. Legume hays are much higher in protein than grass hays, although, it should not be the only source of forage for young, growing horses, due to its high Phospherous level. Grass hay and Legume hay mixed is a great choice of forage, other than grass, for horses.