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coacervates are similar to cell but they do not have a lipid membrane and can not reproduce

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Q: Coacervates are similar to cells but lack whAT?
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What is the difference between living cells and coacervates?

Coacervates lack hereditary information.

Are coacervates microspheres?

no, they show some celluar functions but are not.

What properties do Microspheres and coacervates share with cells?

The structures include microspheres, which are spherical in shape and are composed of many protein molecules that are organized as a membrane, and coacervates, which are collections of droplets that are composed of molecules of diffrent types, including linked amino acids and sugars.

What characteristics do coacervates share with living things?

Like living things, coacervates contain organic molecules. Coacervates have a membrane-like barrier between them and their surroundings, and osmosis occurs between the inside and the outside of the droplet.

Why was the discovery of microspheres and coacervates an important contribution to the understanding of how life might have originated on Earth?

They are both fairly related to cells and scientists believe it fills a "gap" in time where we transition into cellular organisms.

Which cells lack a nuclei?

prokaryotic cells

What cells lack have cell walls?

Animal cells

Cells that lack nuclei are?

Red Blood Cells

What do bacterial cells lack that eukaryotic cells have?


Which kingdom has cells that lack nuclei?

prokaryotic cells

What two organelles do animal cells have that plant cells lack?

The two organelles that plant cells have that animal cells lack are: 1. Cell wall 2. Vacuole.

What type of cells lack a nucleus?

This is a biology question, but the answer is Prokaryotic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Red blood cells also lack a nucleus.