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There are no modern sirens - unless you mean the term - even so Greek sirens were mythological monsters that explained to the people of that time why it was ships and sailors sometimes did not return.

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Q: Comparasin of modern sirens to original sirens?
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The representation of sirens varies in different contexts. In mythology, they represent dangerous and seductive creatures that lure sailors to their deaths with their enchanting songs. In modern usage, sirens are associated with warning signals, such as the sirens on emergency vehicles, indicating an imminent danger or emergency situation.

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No, she is dating Brandon McMaster, the guitarist for Sleeping with Sirens.

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In some myths, Poseidon is said to have fathered the sirens with a river god. Additionally, the sirens' island is sometimes identified with Cape Pelorum in Sicily, where Poseidon was said to have made love to Amphitrite.

How was sleeping with sirens formed?

It was formed between Kellin, Gabe, Justin and Brandon McMaster. Originally containing Brian Calzini (ex-We Are Defiance), they had all agreed on Sleeping With Sirens. Brian Calzini was the original lead vocalist before dropping to form We Are Defiance. He was the original lead vocalist.

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Is there a Roman connection with the sirens?

No, there is NO roman connection with the Sirens.

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Police cars have sirens.

Where did the sirens do?

Sirens cause shipwrecks to protect their existence.