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the first takes CO2 and H2O to give sugar and O2

the other takes sugar plus O2 and gives CO2 and H2O

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Q: Compare photosynthesis with respiration
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they are they same. the products of photosynthesis are oxygen and glucose and the reactants of cellular respiration are gluose and oxygen.

How does reaction for photosynthesis compare to the cellular respiration?

they are they same. the products of photosynthesis are oxygen and glucose and the reactants of cellular respiration are gluose and oxygen.

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well ask yourself what does diffusion mean and compare it to cellular respiration and photosynthesis

Compare and contrast the functions of photosynthesis and respiration. Explain the relationship between the processes.?

photosynthesis and respiration are linked because they both involve the exchange of the gases; oxygen and carbon dioxide.

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It invoves in respiration. Specifically it is aerobic respiration

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They are basically reverse reactions of the other. Photosynthesis H2O + CO2 + Energy (light) --> Sugar + O2 Cellular Respiration Sugar + O2 --> H2O + CO2 + Energy (ATP)

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respiration is but photosynthesis isn't.

Is photosynthesis the opposite of respiration?

Yes. respiration is the opposite reaction of photosynthesis.

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The reverse of photosynthesis is cellular respiration.

What is true of the role of carbohydrates in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

Carbohydrates are made in photosynthesis. it is burning in the cellular respiration.

Do earthworms perform photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

They perform cellular respiration but not photosynthesis.

What is the link between respiration and photosynthesis?

the carbon dioxide emitted during respiration is used in photosynthesis