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Subsistence farming is where the farmer only grows enough crop to feed his/her family.

Commercial farming is where they farm so they can sell their crop for a profit.

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Q: Compare subsistance farming and commercial farming?
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Does US do commercial or subsistance farming?

Primarily commercial farming.

What crops are grown in subsistance farming?

Any crop that can be grown on a commercial scale for human consumption can be grown via subsistence farming.

What is the difference between farming and subsistance farming?

Farming is when you are working on a farm for money. Subsistance farming is when what you produce on the farm is what you eat or use. None is sold as there is only enough to survive.

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75% live in the country as subsistance farmers.

What does subsistence farm mean?

i believe you mean "subsistance" farming, but either way it's private farming. Families that subsistance farm only grow enough food to eat, and dont grow food for the purpose of selling the crop for profit.

What is the difference between commercial fishing and subsistance fishing?

nothing there both kick-ass sports

How does traditional agriculture compare with commercial farming?

Traditional Agriculture is different than commercial farming because commercial farming is done to make a large profit and is usually not used by the people growing the plants. Commercial farming is usually done by a crew of people who work for an hourly pay, where as Agricultural farming is usually done by one person and their family and is done for themselves. They also use traditional agriculture to make a small profit but nothing large as they usually have to sell it themselves. Therefore traditional agriculture is not as large as commercial farming.

Most of Africas farmland is used for what?

Subsistance farming, to feed their families and villages.

What is a sentence with commercial farming in it?

Commercial farming is good.

What is semi-commercial farming?

semi commercial farming