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cost accounting concept and application on learning curve theory to be anwered

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Q: Concept and application on learning curve theory?
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What is modern theory of cost of production?

the traditional theory explains cost curve u shape, but in modern theory says that cost curve L shape

What estimates based on learning curve theory may Not apply if?

Estimates based on learning curve theory may not apply if the tasks being performed are highly variable or complex, if there are frequent changes in processes or technology, or if the workforce is not stable. In these cases, the learning curve assumptions of consistent improvement with repeated practice may not hold true, leading to inaccurate estimates.

What is the correct curve for a suspension bridge?

learning curve learning curve

When was The Learning Curve created?

The Learning Curve was created in 2001.

What is the duration of The Learning Curve?

The duration of The Learning Curve is 1.88 hours.

How can the demand curve be derived using the marginal utility theory?

Marginal utility is the key concept underline demand .The height of a demand curve reflects marginal utility.The marginal utility curve resembles the demand curve. So, it is through the marginal utility we get the demand curve.

How does learning curve differ from experience curve?

Learning Curve Learning Curve measures the relation between increases in per worker productivity (leading to decrease in per unit labor cost at fixed prices) associated with an improvement in labor skills from on the job experience. In other words, Learning Effect leads to fall in the cost of production per unit because with the increased involvement in the production process Labor and Managers become more and more familiar with the production process. This leads to improvement in their efficiency level. So it is involved with one input-labor Experience Curve Production phenomenon where unit costs decline as volume increases. This result from a wide variety of factors including lower fixed costs per unit, an increase in skills associated with quantity production, and generally lower material costs. This is involved all the inputs. Actually Learning curve impact is also part of Experience Curve. So in simple, Learning curve is a Narrow concept while Experience curve is a broader concept

What are the release dates for The Learning Curve - 2014?

The Learning Curve - 2014 was released on: USA: March 2014

Difference between learning curve and experience curve?

difference between leaning curve and experience curve

What are the ratings and certificates for The Learning Curve - 2001?

The Learning Curve - 2001 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA USA:R

Can learning curve be profitably utilized to aid learning?

Yes, the learning curve can be used to aid learning by showing how efficiency increases and costs decrease with experience. By understanding and incorporating the learning curve, individuals and organizations can optimize their learning process, improve performance, and reduce errors over time.

Is there any learning curve to using electric trimmers?

Most eletric trimmers are easy enough to require no training and have no learning curve.