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dude look it up in the book Mr. Jeniski is gonna catch u! :O

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14y ago

A condensation reaction typically produces Polymers.

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Q: Condensation reactions typically produce
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In what type of chemical reaction would produce a macromolecule?

These are generally referred to as polymerization reactions. They may also be called condensation reactions sometimes.

Why is a tornado called a funnel?

Tornadoes typically produce a funnel-shaped cloud of condensation.

Is saturated air being cooled likely to produce condensation?

Yes it will produce condensation

Are glow sticks an example of a combustion reaction?

No, a combustion reaction is where a chemical reacts with oxygen to produce an oxide and lots of heat. Glow sticks use a a kind of reaction chemiluminescence. The reactions often involve oxygen particularly hydrogen peroxide, but they are not combustion reactions and typically produce little to no heat

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No, only nuclear reactions can.

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Does both light reactions and the Calvin cycle produce three-carbon sugars?

No- the light reactions produce oxygen, and no carbon compounds. The dark reactions (Calvin Cycle) produce 3- and 5-carbon intermediates, and 6-carbon sugars.

Does condensation cause tornadoes?

Not directly. Condensation can trigger thunderstorm. If these thunderstorms are strong enough and encounter the right conditions then they can produce tornadoes.

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Neutralization reactions produce what?

Salt and water

What reactions produce electrons?

Oxidation reaction.

Metabolic reactions can produce?

Metabolism produces: amino acids(protein), carbohydrates(molecules that store energy), and lipids(fat)