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Q: Condition which smooth muscles contractions reduce the size of air passageways in the lungs?
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How do painkillers work to reduce menstrual cramps and pains?

The most effective form of painkillers for menstrual cramps are Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs such as Ibuprofen. NSAID's work by reducing inflammation which can occur in the muscles as a result of prostaglandins (responsible for uterine contractions) and reduce the production of prostaglandins to prevent inflammation and the stronger uterine contractions that cause cramps.

What does lactic acid do to muscles?

Lactic acid accumulates in muscles during intense exercise, leading to muscle fatigue and soreness. It can also interfere with muscle contractions and may reduce performance. However, lactic acid is eventually broken down and cleared from the muscles to allow for recovery.

What is the treatment for overactive bladder?

Medications can reduce many types of leakage. Some drugs inhibit contractions of an overactive bladder. Others, such as solifenacin succinate (Vesicare), relax muscles, leading to more complete bladder emptying during urination.

What is treatment for bronchitics?

Bronchitis is typically treated with antibiotics. Sometimes an inhaler is used to help clear air passageways and reduce inflammation.

How can one reduce big tummy?

You need exercises that target those muscles like sit ups for quickest results. Other cardio will reduce it but they burn fat all over and don't key in on those muscles directly.

How does stretching reduce the risks of injuries?

When muscles are more flexible they wont tear as easily.

Do sit-ups reduce fat?

Yes,I think so.It can also strengthen your muscles.

What should you do when operating condition reduce visibility?

Turn on navigation lights.

Why do athletes take ice baths after practicing?

Hard practices can cause small tears in muscles. Taking ice baths can help reduce pain and soreness in the muscles.

How to give botox injections?

The treatment involves small doses of Botox administered via tiny injections directly into underlying muscles between the brows to temporarily reduce the muscle activity that causes frown lines. It does this by blocking nerve impulses that trigger wrinkle-causing muscle contractions, creating a smooth appearance. Frown lines between the eyebrows, forehead lines, and crows feet can be reduced or eliminated by tiny injections of Botox®. With this, the muscles responsible for the formation of these lines are weakened.

Does streching reduce your risk of developing a sports injury?

yes it loosens your muscles so you wont pull anything

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Dorsal rhizotomy-- A surgical procedure that cuts nerve roots to reduce spasticity in affected muscles.