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Q: Conflicts between Muslims and Hindus during 1000 C.E and 1750 C.E?
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Why did India turn into India and Pakistan?

Because they had many conflicts in the past. The 1948 Indo-Pakistan War, 1965 Indo-Pakistan War,1971 Indo-Pakistan War and the 1999 Kargil War. Religion is another thing because during the partation of india heaps of muslims were killed in india by sikhs and hindus and in pakistan many hindus were also tortued and killed.

What are some Hindu conflicts?

There is a long history of conflicts between Hindus and Muslims in India and Pakistan, and between the primarily Hindu Tamil and the primarily Buddhist majority in Sri Lanka. Both of these conflicts have caused decades of bloodshed and hardship. These are just two examples from recent history. In addition, during the formation period of Hinduism, the Dravidians (were pushed by the Aryans into Southern India which provoked mass strife across the subcontinent.

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What conflicts do muslims and Sikhs have?

There are no conflicts between Muslims and Sikhs. Historically, there were wars between the Mughal Empire (which was an Islamic Empire in India) and the Sikhs who revolted and proceeded to create their own empire. There was also violence between Sikhs and Muslims and Hindus during the Independence of India and Pakistan. There is also mild anti-Sikh feeling in Pakistan since Sikhs maintain good relations with Ahmadis, who are are considered Muslim heretics by Sunni Pakistanis. However, general relations between the groups are relatively good. The recent relaxing of tensions between India and Pakistan has allowed for cross-border religious tourism.

What did Muslims and hindus fight over in India?

Muslims and Hindus have had conflicts in India primarily over religious differences and political power. These conflicts often revolve around the status and treatment of religious minorities, such as the demolition of the Babri Masjid mosque in Ayodhya in 1992, or intercommunal riots during periods of heightened tensions. These conflicts highlight the deep-rooted religious and political divisions in the country.

Why do Indians fight with Muslims?

Hindus fought with Muslims because many Hindu temples were destroyed during Islamic expansion.

What were the events that occurred during the partition of Bengal?

The events that occurred during the partition of Bengal were the separation of the Muslims and Hindus and the establishment of factories in east Bengal. Formation of the political affiliations based on the Muslims and Hindus are the other events that occurred during the partition of Bengal.

Which of the following contributed to violence between Pakistan and India from 1947 through 1948?

Hindus and Muslims engaged in conflict as migrants moved between the two nations.

When did religious conflict start in India between the Hindus and the Muslims?

The first big Hindu / Muslim conflict was during 1921 when Muslims in a region of Kerala attacked and killed thousands of Hindus. It is known as Mopala rebellion. The reason was Pan-Islamism, the Muslims wanted British to support the Ottoman empire of Turkey.

What are some obstacles that Jamal faces in the movie Slumdog Millionaire?

It is when the Hindus come and fight the Muslims. Those two are religions and can be call social and religious problems. During that time in real life, when the Hindus and Muslims were actually fighting, many Muslims died.

Who separated India?

The separation of India into India and Pakistan occurred during India's independence from the British. Mahatma Gandhi, one of the primary supporters for peace between Hindus and Muslims, supported the divide, a move which eventually led to his assassination by a Hindu extremist. The part of India to retain its namesake contained a Hindu majority, while the portion that became Pakistan, and later Bangladesh, contained the majority of Muslims. Hindus and Muslims trapped on the wrong side of the border moved between the countries in trains following the partition.

What was the situtation between the Muslims and christians during the cruesades?

there was war between Muslims and christians for holy land, Muslims dfeated everyone, and allowed non Muslims to live their.