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Continuous effective CPR proper chest compressions and ventilations should include:

1. Open the airway properly (head tilt chin lift method unless head or back injury then use jaw thrust method) and to the correct angle (more angle for adults, less for a child and even less for an infant)

2. Ensure each breath makes the chest rise the proper amount (Adult 1 1/2 - 2 inches; Child 1 - 1 1/2 inches; Infant 1/2 - 1 inch)

3. Don't blow too hard or too fast when giving breaths (air will go into stomach)

4. For chest compressions ensure proper hand and body location

5. Ensure each compression is to the proper depth (Adult 1 1/2 - 2 inches; Child 1 - 1 1/2 inches; Infant 1/2 - 1 inch)

6. Don't jerk when giving compressions

7. Hands should not leave chest on the up motion of compressions

8. Count out loud when giving compressions to maintain rhythm

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Q: Continuous effective CPR proper chest compressions and ventilations should include?
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